Expectations I place on my children are the bare minimum and I groom them to be exceptional leaders, honest, trustworthy and to think outside the box but what I expect of them is the bare minimum.  This is the way I was brought up and have found the corporate world to be like minded.  By expecting only the bare minimum I am making it extremely easy to be let down and setting my children up for failure.  I look back at grade school.  What did my teachers expect?  What did the system expect?  I didn't need acclaim, trophies, awards or approval.  I only needed to stave off the pain of failure.  By doing the bare minimum I met their expectations.  By design, I became an expert at bare minimum.

     It was on my first Daddy Daughter date with Elizabeth, now 7, that I realized the need to teach my children to recognize expectations.  the new bare minimum for my children is to recognize and exceed the expectations others place on them.

• Plan/Do/Review