I just finished reading True North.  In his book Bill George describes 4 styles of interdependent leadership.
  1. Engaged Leadership - Persuading the Empowered
  2. Coaching Leadership - Counseling the Receptive
  3. Consensus Leadership - Gaining Agreement with those seeking Equality
  4. Affiliative Leadership - Empathizing with those who are Team Oriented
My mentor explained to me that as I mature as a leader I will want to create interdependent relationships and graduate from, first being a leader of dependent relationships to, second being a leader of independent relationships and last of all being a leader of interdependent relationships.

Creating partnerships (interdependent relationships) is now my goal.  Now I know!

• Plan/Do/Review
12/16/2011 02:54:17 am

Thank you for your comment on my blog! I was just reading your leadership post. I have a question. I recently read a book by Tom Pace called Mentor the Kid and the CEO. I was just curious as you said you have one. How does one go about finding a mentor? I am looking to grow daily and attain more knowledge and of course find success in life. Thank you again.

Kevin Walker
12/16/2011 07:21:11 am

I am always reading. Currently I’m reading The case for Christ by Lee Strobel. Its excellent and I highly recommend it…You said you wrote a goal list, when I met Tom he said I should do that. I did write one up, I put alot of things on there. Thanks for the advice! I’ll be in touch definately!


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