One of the biggest challenges I have had to face in my life is denial.  Over the past two years I have learned how important self-awareness is and learning how others see me hasn't always been easy.  I've found that the only way to overcome denial and to be more self-aware is to face criticism head on without making excuses.  Changing who I am on purpose is one of the most difficult things I've ever faced.  Painful to say the least but the rewards are great!

• Plan/Do/Review

There have been times when I have stood idly by while a moral or ethical injustice was occurring and I was too gripped by fear to take action.  Why didn't I take action?  If not me then who?  If not now then when?  Some very good questions.  Yes! Some very good questions indeed!  
My new call to action: 
If not me then who? If not now then when?

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A really good friend once told me "Jason, nobody cares about you."  This is true.  At times I am so caught up with what others think about me I become paralyzed with fear and fail to take action. It's time to think for myself and not worry so much about what other people think about what I say, how I dress, what I have...etc.

• Plan/Do/Review
I read recently that by changing the interior and emblem on a specific model of car the manufacturer will ask $20,000 to $30,000 more on the showroom floor.  By exercising more, eating healthier food and educating myself I am essentially making myself more valuable in the marketplace.  Now I know!

• Plan/Do/Review
I can accept responsibility or I can place blame but I can't do both is a phrase I've heard many times over the years.  A new way for me to take more responsibility is to find 3 people who know and love me.  I will ask each one "what major area of my life do I need to work on."  I will not argue and I will not place blame.  I will simply accept responsibility.

•  Plan/Do/Review
In business and parenting this philosophy rings true. Tell them. Tell my clients where to purchase or find my services.  Tell my children where to look for life's examples and where to look for knowledge.  Show them.  Show my clients how to purchase from me and show them what I have to sell.  Show my children how to learn and how to apply life's examples and finally; tell them again.

• Plan/Do/Review




When asked when the materials would deliver, my coworker said "should be half an hour"......"Should be" is a sometimes phrase.  I called the delivery driver and he was still 2 hours out.  Had I left it to chance the order would have been late, the customer would have been disappointed and my reputation would have been tarnished.  Winners take action and don't leave things to chance.

• Plan/Do/Review
I used to offer an explanation for every request I made of fellow employees.  I would also apologize in advance whenever I thought someone would be offended or put out by something I was going to say or do.  I've learned it's better to hold onto my explanations and apologies.  "I'm so sorry to have to tell you this....... Here's the reason why I......."  I simply hold onto explanations and apologies until an explanation or apology is in order and or is requested. 

• Plan/Do/Review




It hit me like a ton of bricks this weekend.  The one thing that ties all businesses together, with few exceptions, is the buying and selling of people's time.  It is bought and sold like a commodity.  What is my time worth.  My time is worth an infinite amount.  My goal is to create a business model where I buy other people's time and resell it for a profit.  I only have 24 hours in a day and once it is gone I can't get it back.  Why not purchase someone else's time and resell it?  Everyone benefits.  The customer benefits by having more time to do what they enjoy, the employee benefits because he or she receives a wage and I benefit by freeing up my time and earning money.

• Plan/Do/Review